feeling the burn of emotional pain
It is widely understood that in order to grow and improve your physical body, you need to stress your system, tear up your muscles and “feel the burn” on a fairly regular basis. But is there an equivalent to growing and improving your emotional life? The general understanding around this has been less clear, though… Read More…
sadness + togetherness = resilience
The tragedy that some families have experienced from Hurricane Sandy in NYC, NY State and NJ is beyond heartbreaking. Mind-numbingly horrific is more appropriate. One mom watched her two sons (ages 6 and 4) drift away in the flood only to have the police tell her the next day that the boys did not survive.… Read More…
DIY couples therapy
The word ‘therapy’ comes from the Greek therapeia which means “curing and healing.” And that is exactly what transpires with many NYC couples who see me for relationship therapy. But truth be told: I do not do the curing and the healing—they do. And they do the great majority of it outside of therapy. couples… Read More…
the religious impulse
All cultures throughout history have had some form of religion. We all agree on that. But on the question of why all cultures have religion, there are many beliefs and opinions: People who consider themselves Religious (with a capital R) often see it as self-evident that all cultures have religion, the only caveat being that… Read More…
the reality of your relationships
Forming and maintaining healthy and satisfying relationships is a messy, complicated and difficult endeavor for us humans. So what is it that makes relationships so hard? Well, for starters, engaging in unhealthy, non-constructive and self-centered relational patterns happens to be an integral part of the human condition; we all do it, to one degree or… Read More…