misunderstanding depression & anxiety
When we feel depressed or anxious, it is no joke. Other terms that we use to describe these painful feelings include: Depressed = low, negative, dread, hopeless, dark, shut-down, disconnected, sad, hurting, irritable Anxious = nervous, insecure, fearful, jittery, scared, scattered, all over the place, worried, restless Not only do these feelings simply ‘feel’ terrible… Read More…
Tags: anxiety, depression
sex, shame and communication
To state the obvious, sex is deeply woven into the fabric of human consciousness and human life at every level. Sexual energy is like nuclear energy in that its enormous power can be harnessed and utilized for good – or – it can get out of control and be very destructive. Or it can be… Read More…
the practice of waking up
Far too many people have learned to automatically and habitually give away their personal power. Without realizing what they’re doing, they repeatedly idealize other people (particularly authority figures and romantic interests) and then subjugate themselves to those people.
principles to live by
What principles do you live by? Do you know? The principles that underlie how we see ourselves, how we see the world and how we conduct our lives usually operate outside of our conscious awareness – that is, until we decide to work on understanding ourselves better. Take a moment and think about which ideas… Read More…
replacing fear with love
The awareness of human separation, without reunion by love – is the source of shame. It is at the same time the source of guilt and anxiety. Erich Fromm, “The Art of Loving” What if each time you felt fear and anxiety, you made a decision to love? Love who? You decide. And by love,… Read More…